Title: "Aggrieved".
Medium: Charcoal and Fabrics on FBB card
Year: 2021
©️ Esan Samuel Ogooluwa

During my creation of this Artwork, a moment came where I felt the need to classify it under a series which I'll be titling (State of mind) as it is so apparent that being Aggrieved is a State of mind which we can either choose to give a foothold or give no place in our minds. Being Aggrieved can lead to depression of all sort which is mentally hazardous. I will be creating more works under this series soon. Kindly watch out for them

Although a man can be Aggrieved for several reasons but in that situation he needs to surround himself with things or people who can stand by him during those challenging times and above all trust God to see him Through and never give up cos there's always light at the end of every tunnel.


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